Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Angel of Vapoura - I guard the stars

"Vapoura Unversioned" by Jaya Prime

No.9 of 36 in the "Spectral Recursion" series

"There is only one question every life-bearing planet needs answer: Rise... or fall?" ~San Jaya Prime

Thoughts: My tenth and final album was "IO Vapoura: Unversioned & Unfinished" (2015). When I started making music, people told me it would never work. A tumor from when I was six had killed most the hearing in my left ear. I learned tricks that helped me along the way, like setting pennies atop speakers to SEE the bass in a song (thank you PK!). I learned to make certain sounds by using my eyes. It was not enough.

In 2012, the many years of stress that my left ear put on my right ear came to a head. My right ear started to fail. It's a hard thing to say, and took me almost a year to even accept. Until science is far enough to completely rebuild my inner ears, I've now retired from music production and I've turned my artistic expression towards writing, design, and illustration. This design was the cover for that final album, an appropriately anime cover for a rather somber anime-esque electronic album. I've got to send mad shout outs to Zitan, K Sabroso, Ghostface Geisha, BMFD, and the fallen Mushuto (RIP) -- all great musicians who taught me so much every step of the way.

The Album: This is the album art for IO Vapoura here on YouTube. It is one hour of orchestral electronica with a science fiction theme mixed with doses of alchemical elements. Tune in!

The Book: "IO Vapoura" is a part of the book "Spectral Iteration" by San Jaya Prime. For the first time ever, it has been published as a full-color, full-page fine art book here on Amazon:
Spectral Iteration: A Prismatic Journey thru the Beautiful Art of Fractals and Abstracts


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