Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Beautiful Green Macro Fractal Fused with Google's Deep Dreams AI

"The Spring of Dreams" by Jaya Prime

Pt 13 of 36 in the "Spectral Recursion" series

The Spring of Dreams

"Centaur, with arrows to shoot the stars,
searches the archive of signs and storms.
The Leaf of Autumn is lost and far.
Winter has melted and Spring has warmed."
~San Jaya Prime, The Wayfarer's Songs
Incept: I created the base 3D JuliaN fractal in Apophysis, then ran it thru the classic Google Deep Dreams filter "Machine Elves" on Dreamscope App to bring out all the eyes. The frosts are melting, Love. A new spring dawns.

The Book: "The Spring of Dreams" is a part of the book "Spectral Iteration" by San Jaya Prime. For the first time ever, it has been published as a full-color, full-page fine art book here on Amazon:
Spectral Iteration: A Prismatic Journey thru the Beautiful Art of Fractals and Abstracts


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

IO Vapoura, a SciFi trip inside and outside of n-dimensional space

"IO Vapoura" by Jaya Prime

Pt 12 of 36 in the "Spectral Recursion" series

IO Vapoura [Versions]
"A blade of grass is a commonplace on Earth; it would be a miracle on Mars."
~Carl Sagan
Notes: This is my original album art for "IO Vapoura [Variations]" (2010) -- world, downtempo, transnational, electronic music. The flying city of Vapoura is coming through my signature fractal -- a bent hyperbolic fractal that appears in more than 60% of my designs. I have a similar signature in my music, where I sign one song on every album with a glitched synth-sequence. Not only was "Vapoura" one of my favorite albums to create, but it has remained my favorite to listen to over the years. My song "Gongo Dodan" has been remixed more times than I can count, yet retains the same ineffable and striking "otherness" that gives it its namesake. "Gongo dodan", translated from Japanese, means: "Words fail."

Words. Fail.

The Book: "IO Vapoura [Variations]" is a part of the book "Spectral Iteration" by San Jaya Prime. For the first time ever, it has been published as a full-color, full-page fine art book here on Amazon:
Spectral Iteration: A Prismatic Journey thru the Beautiful Art of Fractals and Abstracts

The Album: "IO Vapoura [Variations]" is a long-play album that was published in 2010 via the Trochlear Recordings Limited digital label out of Austin, Texas. You can listen to it and download it for free from here on BandCamp:
San Jaya Prime - IO Vapoura [Variations]
"To say I enjoy this album would be an understatement."
~William DeAngelis, CEO & Creative Director at DeAngelis Designs
"I look forward to seeing where Jaya goes from here."
~PK, Peppermill Records
The Remixes: Before I started losing my hearing in 2012, the result of stresses from a childhood tumor, I had been working on a remix album to follow-up on this one. When I finally faced the painful reality, I salvaged the best of the remixes and released them for streaming on YouTube. Tune in!
San Jaya Prime - IO Vapoura [Unversioned & Unfinished]


Friday, November 18, 2016

Look into the fractal eye of the machine of tomorrow

"Optica Dentata" by Jaya Prime

No.11 of 36 in the "Spectral Recursion" series

"A mind is a simulation that simulates itself." ~Erol Ozan
Facts: The human eye is an intricate organ composed of more than 2-million separate parts, with more than six times as many unique identifiers as a fingerprint. As our most complex sensor, four out of every five memories we have are visual, a number in parallel with our visual learning-rate. Without our eyes, cats falling out of boxes would no longer be the primary reason for humans to tune into the Internet for hours on end… although the *thud* would still cause a few rounds of chuckles.

Note: As featured by the one and only Surreal42. Although I already planned this fractal for release this week, it really lines up beautifully with the new trailer for "Ghost in the Shell" -- I could not believe what I was seeing when I saw the preview. It looks like they are not holding back. If that is the case, then it could be up there with "The Matrix" and "Blade Runner" for live action cyberpunk movies, and I cannot stop myself from getting my expectations up.

The Book: "Optica Dentata" is a part of the book "Spectral Iteration" by San Jaya Prime. For the first time ever, it has been published as a full-color, full-page fine art book here on Amazon:
Spectral Iteration: A Prismatic Journey thru the Beautiful Art of Fractals and Abstracts


Friday, November 11, 2016

Abstract art of pigeons out watching fractal stars at night

"The Stargazers" by Jaya Prime

Pt 10 of 36 in the "Spectral Recursion" series

Lonely is he (who has lost his Home)
for that harbor where his heart has moor'd.
But free is he (who the World has known)
who rests his hopes upon any shore."
~San Jaya Prime, The Wayfarer's Songs

Facts: AKA, "The Grand Pigeon Empire" -- Any and all empires are territorially limited based on three contingents: transportation (roads), strength (armies, enforcement), and communication. The great Persian Empire of antiquity (circa 400bce) had the might, and they built the roads, but the empire exploded as far as Egypt in the West and India in the East with one single discovery -- the carrier pigeon. It was the first long-distance communication network of antiquity. The once respectably-sized Persia grew to a massive empire that held the center of the known world for a thousand years.

Nowadays, even the poorest of humans carries around a pocket-pigeon in the form of a miniature computer, networking with satellites and relays across the planet to create a seamless illusion of connectedness. There was a brief period where the pigeons held a "we will riot" campaign in protest of their early retirement, but a few handfuls of birdseed quickly quelled the aforementioned revolution.

The Book: "The Stargazers" is a part of the book "Spectral Iteration" by San Jaya Prime. For the first time ever, it has been published as a full-color, full-page fine art book here on Amazon:
Spectral Iteration: A Prismatic Journey thru the Beautiful Art of Fractals and Abstracts


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Angel of Vapoura - I guard the stars

"Vapoura Unversioned" by Jaya Prime

No.9 of 36 in the "Spectral Recursion" series

"There is only one question every life-bearing planet needs answer: Rise... or fall?" ~San Jaya Prime

Thoughts: My tenth and final album was "IO Vapoura: Unversioned & Unfinished" (2015). When I started making music, people told me it would never work. A tumor from when I was six had killed most the hearing in my left ear. I learned tricks that helped me along the way, like setting pennies atop speakers to SEE the bass in a song (thank you PK!). I learned to make certain sounds by using my eyes. It was not enough.

In 2012, the many years of stress that my left ear put on my right ear came to a head. My right ear started to fail. It's a hard thing to say, and took me almost a year to even accept. Until science is far enough to completely rebuild my inner ears, I've now retired from music production and I've turned my artistic expression towards writing, design, and illustration. This design was the cover for that final album, an appropriately anime cover for a rather somber anime-esque electronic album. I've got to send mad shout outs to Zitan, K Sabroso, Ghostface Geisha, BMFD, and the fallen Mushuto (RIP) -- all great musicians who taught me so much every step of the way.

The Album: This is the album art for IO Vapoura here on YouTube. It is one hour of orchestral electronica with a science fiction theme mixed with doses of alchemical elements. Tune in!

The Book: "IO Vapoura" is a part of the book "Spectral Iteration" by San Jaya Prime. For the first time ever, it has been published as a full-color, full-page fine art book here on Amazon:
Spectral Iteration: A Prismatic Journey thru the Beautiful Art of Fractals and Abstracts


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Infinite Fractal Circles of Archimedes

"A Glimmer in the Infinite" by Jaya Prime

No.8 of 36 in the "Spectral Recursion" series

"But leave the Wise to wrangle and, with me,
The Quarrel of the Universe let be.
And, in some corner of the hubbub coucht,
Make game of that which makes as much of thee."
~Edward Fitzgerald, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Story: One man defended the city of Syracuse against the entirety of the Roman army. Soldiers only mentioned his name in whispers, as his name could quickly spread fear throughout the whole encampment. The Romans seiged the city for six years, and this one man had built traps, tricks, catapults, and had even created waves in the ocean to sink ships... going so far as to set ships ablaze using mirrors. This mathematician was one of the world's greatest magicians, and he was completely obsessed with circles.

His name was Archimedes.

He died to a soldier on the beaches of Syracuse; a soldier that Caesar would later execute for having killed the greatest mind of their time. Archimedes was discovered dead on the sand. Drawn on the sand around him was a series of circles that, only thousands of years later, would we recognize as the earliest form of calculus.

Incept: This design is a remix of my award-winning album art for Daft Punk's "The Grid". It is a linear tile fractal that forms an infinite grid of circles. Circles within circles within circles, ad infinitum.

More: "A Glimmer in the Infinite", both the story and the fractal, are a part of the book "Spectral Iteration" by San Jaya Prime. For the first time ever, it has been published as a full-color, full-page fine art book here on Amazon:
Spectral Iteration: A Prismatic Journey thru the Beautiful Art of Fractals and Abstracts


Friday, October 14, 2016

Beautiful Deep Dream Fractal Snowflakes in a Starry Blizzard

"A Dream of Winter" by Jaya Prime

No.7 of 36 in the "Spectral Recursion" series
"Dark falls the seasons on turning wheel.
Cold takes the shadows nearest window sills.
Take warmth's token and make of it bed,
where Bone Frost’s fingers pass o'erhead"
~San Jaya Prime, The Wayfarer's Songs
Facts: Winter in the Northern Hemisphere is not cold because of how far our planet is from the sun, but because of the angle of the light that strikes us -- our planet's "tilt". In summer, the light hits us head on, as a spear, then ripples out in photonic waves across the surface. In winter, the light hits us at an angle, and the photonic waves literally splash over the surface -- as a stone skipping across the top of a lake -- and then back out into space. Add this to the limited hours of photonic exposure in winter, and you will find that frost soon follows. That does not, however, explain how a warm cup of cocoa can melt even the coldest of nights. That's just magic.

Incept: I pulled the original hyperbolic fractal from the "StarSeed" poster that many already know from my music, then ran it through a few deep dream filters before adding stars, snowflakes, and lens flare.

In the darkest of seasons, find the light that warms you and take it with you.

Spectral Iteration, The Book

"A Dream of Winter" and more than thirty other fractals and abstracts are a part of the book "Spectral Iteration" by San Jaya Prime. For the first time ever, it has been published as a full-color, full-page fine art book here on Amazon: Spectral Iteration: A Prismatic Journey thru the Beautiful Art of Fractals and Abstracts
