Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Beautiful Fractal Mandala with Deep Dreams

"Deep Space Dreamer" by Jaya Prime

No.5 of 36 in the "Spectral Recursion" series
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." ~Carl Sagan
Facts: Of the 564 currently confirmed exoplanets, only thirty-two register as habitable. Eleven of these are strikingly similar to our own Terra: size, shape, and at a distance from their star of origin to keep them from freezing and from burning up. Whether or not any of these are already inhabited remains to question. Want to take a ride?

Incept: I grabbed the shot from NASA of Kepler-62e, the largest exoplanet that we've discovered so far. After adding it to a fanned PDJ fractal in Apophysis, I processed it with Google's Deep Dreams AI, before finally painting on a new layer of colors.

Purchase the beautiful Kepler-62e Deep Space Dreamer fractal on Redbubble
Purchase the beautiful Kepler-62e Deep Space Dreamer fractal on Society6

More: This fractal mandala has a long history, with design variations published online and in books. The most recent deep dream mandala version appears as the two-page spread in the book "Spectral Iteration: A Prismatic Journey thru the Beautiful Art of Fractals and Abstracts" (pictured below). The book is filled with other fractals and abstracts, including inspirational poetry to match the art. It's available for purchase in hardback and softback format here on Amazon.

Source: Deep Space Dreamer on Instagram

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Intricate and Rugged Fractal Street Art Mural

"Sombranoche" by Jaya Prime

No.4 of 36 in the "Spectral Recursion" series
"O, threats of Hell and hopes of Paradise.
One thing at least is certain: THIS LIFE FLIES!
One things is certain and the rest is lies:
The Flower that has bloom'd for-ever dies."
~Edward Fitzgerald, Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Facts: The star-shaped, violet bloom of the nightshade carries poison in its beauty. Some types of nightshade are even psychotropic. The tribes who've used it have attributed an assortment of healing and medicinal effects to the flower. It's history in shamanism and witchcraft has deep roots. The brewed tea made from the flower is bitter, in stark contrast to the beauty of its bloom; in low doses it heals, in high doses it kills. Care to indulge in a sip?

Notes: A very heavily edited and re-worked version of my album art for "Sombranoche". It's especially fitting, as I published the original song back in 2006. Then, after the eighth and final album was complete in 2012, I went back and made the "Nocturnal Memories" remix [Listen on YouTube] of my favorite song from the first album. The fact that I've now remixed the album art, also, brings a rather wicked smile to my face.

Spectral Iteration, The Book

"Bloom of Lilacs" and more than thirty other fractals and abstracts are a part of the book "Spectral Iteration" by San Jaya Prime. For the first time ever, it is being made publicly available as a full-color, full-page fine art book here on Amazon: Spectral Iteration: A Prismatic Journey thru the Beautiful Art of Fractals and Abstracts

Source: Sombranoche on Instagram

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Vivid and Hypnotic Fractal Spiral as Vivid Violet Lilacs

"Bloom of Lilacs" by Jaya Prime

No.3 of 36 in the "Spectral Recursion" series
"Do you think amethysts can be the souls of good violets?"
~L M Montgomery
Facts: There are more than a 1,000 different varieties of lilacs, and the only flower more fragrant is the rose. A lilac bush can grow taller than 20 ft (16 m), and live longer than a hundred years, and survive temperatures far below freezing. They were first cultivated in the Middle East and have been carried around every corner of the world.

Notes: Raw UltraFractal render while exploring around the elephants. Rendered at 10x, then reduced to 1280 for smoothness. This was one of the most popular designs in the entire series, growing in popularity even to this very day.

Available on These Stores:
Beautiful violet lilac spiral fractal here on Redbubble
Beautiful violet lilac spiral fractal here on Society6

Spectral Iteration, The Book

"Bloom of Lilacs" and more than thirty other fractals and abstracts are a part of the book "Spectral Iteration" by San Jaya Prime. For the first time ever, it is being made publicly available as a full-color, full-page fine art book here on Amazon: Spectral Iteration: A Prismatic Journey thru the Beautiful Art of Fractals and Abstracts

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Beautiful violet fractal heart with deep dreams

"Kardia Dentata (The Purple Heart)" by Jaya Prime

No.2 of 36 in the "Spectral Recursion" series
"I encased my heart in stone so as to stop it from beating." ~Sonya Watson
Facts: You don’t want to read this. February 16, 2008 marked the first time ever that a purple heart was awarded to someone other than a human. It was given to a dog named Lex, a German Shepherd. He was a working dog who checked for explosives, and his most recent handler was a marine named Dustin Lee. Both were hit by an explosive rocket that mortally wounded Dustin and racked Lex with shrapnel. Though wounded, Lex rose to defend Dustin’s body, and refused to be removed… being forcefully removed by marines so that they could save his life. Dustin’s family asked to adopt Lex, and the marine corps gave Lex an early and honorary retirement so that he could join them. Both Lex and Dustin were awarded purple hearts on the same day.

Incept: Two rather simple heart-shaped fractals, rendered in Apophysis, then processed with Google's Deep Dreams AI.

Source: "Kardia Dentata" on Instagram

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Beautiful violet spiral art as a shattered glass fractal

“The Soul of Amethyst” by Jaya Prime
No.1 of 36 in the “Spectral Recursion” series
“O, Love! Could Thou and I with Fate conspire
To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire?
Would not we shatter IT to bits and then
Remould it nearer to our Heart’s Desire?”
~Edward Fitzgerald’s Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Notes: Shatter the world. Spiral outward. Recurse. This follows on a conversation about white holes and back holes. Spiral galaxies make up the majority of those we have been able to see. Their shape is disrupted and tossed asunder in collision with other galaxies. If left to their own means, the current theory says that they’ll flatten out into elliptical galaxies, a theory that I believe. However, to this I add the theory that the elliptical galaxy is a temporary state, held briefly and only before the galaxy collapses again, the singularity at its heart re-drawing the stars inward in a spiral… flushing them into a dimension unknown.Sploosh!

Source: “Soul of Amethyst” on Instagram